fredag 6. november 2009


A few weeks ago, I bought a 3-pack of microwave pop-corn. What's better on a saturday, to rip open a can of beer and munching freshly popped pop-corn? Not much I tell you! Those that know me personally, know how much I love pop-corn, it's pretty darn close to an obsession I tell you. The problem with this particular saturday was the following, one of the bags of pop-corn, specifically the last one, was bloody empty! It wasn't because anyone ate the contents mind you, it was sealed and everything, one could feel one single little seed in the bag. I panicked of course, searched every inch of the house for a replacement, but no such thing. Pretty upset I wrote the company who happens to market and sell this stuff to tell them about this very unplesant incident.

Last night, a package arrived from these guys. It was heavy I tell you. I got my hopes up, dragged this shit all the way home from the post office, thinking it was a bunch of pop-corn. I was a happy camper, ripped the packaging off only to find a cardboard box, with the companies name on it. No letter of apology or anything. The content of the box was the following:

* 500g macaroni
* 400g chopped tomatoes with basil and oregano
* 400g black beans
* 410g corn
* 185g tuna
* 227g pineapple
* 227g water chestnut
* 100g light chocolate
* 100g dark chocolate
* 350g peanuts
* 100g cashews

Do any of you spot the problem here? You got it! Not even a single grain of pop-corn. No letter of apology. They just sent me this crap to shut me up. They didn't even send me a pre written form. I'm still an unhappy costumer, even a single bag of pop-corn would have been enough, I mean - that would have covered my expenses, I want pop-corn! I don't want any of this crap! maybe I could sell the peanuts, cashews and all this other crap on the corner, but what the heck!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Nei, det er ikke lett å være kunde i disse dager. Hadde jeg vært deg, hadde jeg sendt en pakke tilbake. Med følgende innhold:
    * En raggsokk
    * En bit melkesjokolade
    * 250 gr tørka fisk
    * En brukt kondom
    * En boks med torskerogn

    Avsender: ukjent.

  2. Ikke dumt, men får å få til den biten med brukt kondom, så må jeg først finne noen å bruke kondomet med. ^^

  3. Åh, for en skaldale! Jeg føler med deg i din fortvilelse,siden jeg er minst like glad i popcorn som du er. Må være en skjebne verre enn døden å finne pakken tom :o Du burde saksøke dem. Pakken de sendte tilbake var jo kun til spott og spe.

  4. Jupp, det er akkuratt det jeg sier. Takk for støtten Anne Grethe. :)

  5. I brevet du sendte dem, fremgikk det vel at du var popcornavhengig (Addicted?). De har sendt deg en avvenningskur!
