For those who does not know what AGW is, it's a short for Anthropogenic global warming - it's the notion that human emissions of CO2 is one of the main factors of the raising global temperatures. They say there's a scientific consensus concerning this and they might be right. What do I know, I haven't been to the poles to check if the icecaps are melting or anything.
What I can say though is this - it sure as hell doesn't seem like there is any warming going on outside my bedroom or office windows. Rigth now, we are experiencing some 20 degrees below zero, the snow is all squeeky and my nose froze to ice during the two minute walk from my office to the gas station. So I'd be happy to see some warming here. I thought, well - the rest of the world must be getting a hell of a lot warmer, since it surely isn't getting warmer here - well the latest news stories tells another tale. Europe is covered in snow, it's so fricking cold, that people can't remember the last time we experienced so much cold weather. Global Warming my ass, actually - that wouldn't be such a bad idea, since I'm freezing my bums off at the moment.